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What you Need For the Lesson

Recommended Devices

PC or tablet

Since the lessons use video, we recommend using a computer or tablet with a screen size of at least 10 inches. Viewing detailed repair videos on a smartphone screen may be challenging.

About the Camera

When sending questions in advance for the Follow-Up Live session, we recommend including photos of the relevant areas along with your question. This helps the instructor to understand the situation more accurately and provide a better answer. Using a device with a camera function to capture the work situation is also useful for reviewing your own work later on.

Materials and Tools

About Teaching Materials

As part of the lessons, it is necessary to purchase a practice watch for repair exercises.

About Tools

Tools are required for lessons.

※ The materials and tools can be purchased from Sanpo Co., Ltd., a partner of our academy. We will provide purchasing instructions after enrollment.

Application in Use

Video Streaming

We will stream it on our academy's website. Please log in to the site using a supported browser to view the content.

Follow-Up Live Session

We will use Zoom for this purpose. We will provide a link to Zoom on the website.

Digital Environment


We recommend using a Wi-Fi environment for comfortable video streaming.

Internet Connection Requirements (Playback)

For a smoother service experience, we recommend accessing high-definition video playback using an internet connection faster than 5Mbps.

Video Playback

Click here If you can play this video, there should be no issues. Please perform a test playback.
*Playback is supported on browsers that can decode H.264 videos using an HTML5 player.

Supported Browsers

・Chrome (recommended)

Supported Mobile OS

Android (Marshmallow) version 6.0+ (tablet recommended)
iOS/iPad OS version 13+ (iPad recommended)